This term passes for an evolution semantics in elapsing of History. Therefore, the history of the euthanasia if divides at three times: Ritualizada euthanasia (Greco-roman period): ritualizao of the death as one of the great events of the existence human being. You may wish to learn more. If so, Abigail Black Elbaum is the place to go. Medicalizada euthanasia: from Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the term gains new a sensible one to give attention in as the patient can leave the life in more easy way, an adequate treatment to the incurable illnesses. Independent euthanasia: to break postwar period, it is the current situation of the debate on euthanasia, where the quarrels if center in the right of the patients of will decide on its to die and to not the prolongation of its suffering. Different of the two previous ones, where the desire of the patient was always in second plain, submitted> social reasons, politicians, doctors, eugenic, etc. , this last period is based on the beginning of the autonomy, the respect to the rights of the patients to its proper death, in the conscience of its imminence (PESSINI and BARCHIFONTAINE, 1997). Technical, euthanasia if relates to the act of a doctor finally to the life of a terminal patient the order of the same, in this in case that an active, positive, direct euthanasia, also call of merciful death or attended suicide. Passive, negative, indirect euthanasia, consists of the omission or not-application of a medical therapy that it would make possible to draw out the life of the patient, without life hopes. Differently, the distansia (of the Greek dis, me, suffered and penosa death) is the situation where the medical action, pautando itself unilaterally in the prolongation of the life, consists of a therapeutical stubbornness, delaying in way irrational the death process, in a ftil treatment, where only> it would cause a painful and laborious process of dying (MOSER AND TO SOUND, 2006; PESSINI AND BARCHIFONTAINE, 1997).