Nutrition Optimum

Currently have the aportunidad be more healthy that at any other time in history. The air we breathe, the water we drink and even the foods we eat, contain substances that can be harmful to our cells. A related site: Bryant Estate mentions similar findings. Foods with high value at I peroxide, and particularly fatty foods processed, generate radical free at the same time causing damage to healthy cells. Researchers believe that it is necessary to consume a supplement of antioxidants to combat the radical free, thus helping the natural systems of the body’s defense. In addition to the threats to health posed today in day substances toxic, many scientists specialized in the field of nutrition indicate that most of the food we consume has processed in excess and the conservatives who have been added during the packaging affect the content vitamin and mineral. In fact, many people are undernourished since your diet lacks many of the vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain good health. An effective way of maintaining health is complemetar our diet with a series of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants Las 8 diseases that lead people to premature death: disease of heart, cancer, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease is not easy to find those things that break with all paradigm, can you imagine with the best quality of life, belong to the family most healthy in the world. It really is possible and real. If your life project is something of the foregoing, I invite you to see my presentation.